24 May 2010


My dears, I have put off for quite a long time the idea of "blogging." Typically in life, I am usually for or against, in love or indifferent. Love and attraction have always been organic for me, rarely am I persuaded by argument. My own experience is the true test.

And as such, I enter this blogging world as anonymously as I can. Hoping that my sudden desire to share thoughts with the world will grow on me over time, and that as I experience each post, I will find the joy that many before me have also discovered. Then, with any luck, I might grow more bold and even tell one or two of you dear ones about it.

More than anything, my mission would be to connect you with more beauty in your life, share ways to more easily surround yourself with the good, beautiful, and true. And to show you inspirational images and icons that remind you that having your own style should never be formulaic or expensive.

Where else to begin than with one of the most regularly beautiful things I know? Last weekend, I was flipping through Vanity Fair's article on Grace Kelly. An eternal style icon, Grace Kelly beats out both Hepburns combined for me.

(I mean how gorgeous is she?)
Being summertime, (and the fact that little of her wardrobe translates into practical for someone who works from home) I fixated on her sunglasses.

Like blogging, Ray Ban sunglasses are also something I have put off for a good long while. But, just in time for me to obsess over Grace's classic sunshade shape, Ray Ban re-released their rounded Wayfarer's so we don't have to comb ebay for vintage pairs. Of course, getting your hands on them is actually far more difficult than I had imagined, and I admit that I may have acted rashly at times to secure a pair for myself...(I will spare details, but PLEASE don't attempt purchasing these--or anything--from Otticanet.com, just trust me).

More to share in the future, but this should be all for now...

(Grace in Jamaica from Table Tonic; Grace in sunglasses from engagement pictures via The Royal Forums)

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